Emwin font converter
Emwin font converter

emwin font converter
  1. #Emwin font converter full
  2. #Emwin font converter code

Complete rework of LVGL's draw engine to use "masks" for more advanced and higher quality graphical effects. What is Micropython M5STACK LVGL is a set of UI component library developed based on LVGL.

#Emwin font converter code

h with USE_EQ3_ESP32 is 1310k Does this mean it adds 9K to the code size? It would be possible to add some 'enable' variable to ensure it is not active unless turned on in autoexec. It was built using the NXP SDK v2.6.1.Lvgl font size Depending on the other parts of the UI you can make test2 1-1 px greater in every direction: lv_obj_set_size (test2, 202, 202) Answered Aug 24 '21 at 12:34. The project containing all described steps can be downloaded ad imported directly to the MCUXpresso: TimerHandle_t timer = xTimerCreate("TOUCH", 150 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS, pdTRUE, NULL, touchTimer) XTaskCreate(guiTask, "GUI", 1024, NULL, 1, &guiTaskHandle) TEXT_Handle text = TEXT_CreateEx(450, 215, 250, 50, window, WM_CF_SHOW, TEXT_CF_RIGHT, GUI_ID_TEXT0, textBuffer) Sprintf(textBuffer, "Press counter: %lu", pressCounter) WM_HWIN window = WINDOW_CreateEx(0, 0, LCD_GetXSize(), LCD_GetYSize(), WM_HBKWIN, WM_CF_SHOW, 0, GUI_ID_USER, NULL) īutton = BUTTON_CreateEx(100, 140, 250, 200, window, WM_CF_SHOW, 0, GUI_ID_BUTTON0) TouchTransfer.direction = kFLEXIO_I2C_Read įLEXIO_I2C_MasterTransferBlocking(&FlexIO_I2C_1_peripheralConfig, &touchTransfer) If exactly one point is detected, its coordinates are passed to the library using GUI_PID_STATE structure.įlexio_i2c_master_transfer_t touchTransfer In the example the controller state is read periodically in the FreeRTOS timer code listed below. The SCL and SDA pins and the I2C controller are already configured in the imported MEX file, so we only need to add the code responsible for reading the touchscreen state and pass the results to the emWin library for further processing. The touch screen in the display module contains the FT5426 controller that is accessible using the I2C interface.

emwin font converter

Void *emWin_memcpy(void *pDst, const void *pSrc, long size) GUI_ALLOC_AssignMemory((void *)GUI_MEMORY_ADDR, GUI_NUMBYTES) Int LCD_X_DisplayDriver(unsigned LayerIndex, unsigned Cmd, void *p)Īddr = VRAM_ADDR + VRAM_SIZE * pData->Index ĮLCDIF_SetNextBufferAddr(ELCDIF_1_PERIPHERAL, addr) LCD_SetVSizeEx(0, ELCDIF_1_PANEL_WIDTH, ELCDIF_1_PANEL_HEIGHT) LCD_SetSizeEx(0, ELCDIF_1_PANEL_WIDTH, ELCDIF_1_PANEL_HEIGHT) GUI_DEVICE_CreateAndLink(DISPLAY_DRIVER, COLOR_CONVERSION, 0, 0) IntStatus = ELCDIF_GetInterruptStatus(ELCDIF_1_PERIPHERAL) ĮLCDIF_ClearInterruptStatus(ELCDIF_1_PERIPHERAL, intStatus) Static volatile int32_t s_LCDpendingBuffer = -1 #define VRAM_ADDR ((uint32_t)eLCDIF_1_Buffer) #define GUI_MEMORY_ADDR ((uint32_t)s_gui_memory) #define VRAM_SIZE (ELCDIF_1_PANEL_HEIGHT * ELCDIF_1_PANEL_WIDTH * LCD_BYTES_PER_PIXEL)ĪT_NONCACHEABLE_SECTION_ALIGN(uint8_t s_gui_memory, ELCDIF_1_RGB_BUFFER_ALIGN) #define GUI_LARGE_FONT (&GUI_Font32B_ASCII) #define GUI_NORMAL_FONT (&GUI_Font24_ASCII)

#Emwin font converter full

The full source code of both files is listed below. There is also a set of functions that provides the interface to the operating system, like delay and locking the resource. The source file defines the library buffer, functions responsible for LCD controller interrupts handling and image frames management. The header file contains the definitions related to the image orientation and the library buffers configuration. The emWin library is configured in two files: emwin/emwin_support.h and emwin/emwin_support.c.

Emwin font converter